木棉鱼豆腐汤 Kapok Fish and Silken Bean Curd Soup
Ingredients quantity材料:
High in Omega 3-6-9 and V-E, rich in protein and calcium, good for menopausal women/men and beyond, also benefit any age groups if you would like to fight earlier with ages without future expensive costs of cosmetic surgeries. This recipe also benefits your skins.
Method 做法:
- 鱼 皮 撕 去 , 清 理 内 脏 洗 净 , 抹 干 , 用 少 许 盐 及 胡 椒 粉 腌 2 0 分 钟 。
- 滑 豆 腐 略 洗 切 大 块 , 备 用 。
- 姜 片 切 丝 , 葱 切 段 。
- 烧 热 二 汤 匙 油 , 放 入 鱼 略 煎 至 两 面 黄 色 , 加 入 适 量 水 、 姜 及 豆 腐 , 大 火 滚至 汤 变 奶 白 色 , 放 入 葱 段 及 姜 丝 , 加 入 盐 调 味 , 即 可 趁 热 食 。
I've particularly omitted the English translation here, mainly for encouraging you, as a Chinese language student, try to read or check your dictionary to follow this recipe, to make a delicious anti-aging soup with no end! If your schedules allow you, try to make it once every two days during the supper time. Cantonese soups are among those best soups in the world!
In fact, food therapy has become such an important part in Chinese culture that modern Chinese population just take it as a natural way to have therapeutic dishes everyday.
In case you do have hard time to read it, I would recommend you use on-line translation tools to read this recipe.
Or, please follow this post, I will show you it in Chinese a couple of days later.
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