Thursday, January 3, 2008

冯小刚, the Well-known Chinese Director's New Film 集结号 "Assembly" (2008)

冯小刚的贺岁片, the well-know Chinese director Feng2 Xiao3 Gang1's New Film 集结号 ji2 jie2 hao4 "Assembly" (2008) for the New Year of 2008 in China, currently is in theaters. Many Chinese were so touched by the film that almost everyone was in tear when watching it. Heard people in the south and Hong Kong didn't react emotionally like the north. - Why the south and the north act quite different in so many ways?

If you want to learn more about Chinese civil war or anti-Japanese war (history, politics and military), you will need to see this movie. In China, people call "civil war" 内战 nei4 zhan4 as "liberation war" 解放战争 jie3 fang4 zhan4 zheng1 - fyi only. It is a hit success currently in mainland and Hong Kong, China as well as in South Korea. Not sure if it will be the same in Macao and Taiwan (or Taiwan authority will allow it - or forever not allow?)

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