Friday, December 21, 2007

李默然 Li Mo Ran, the Renowned Chinese Actor on Silver Screen and Stage

李默然 Li3 Mo4 Ran2 (1927 - ), born in 黑龙江尚志 Hei1 Long2 Jiang1, is a renowned Chinese actor on silver screen and stage in the middle of last century. His best known screen images were the leading role 邓世昌 in 《甲午风云》 (Ja2 Wu3 Feng1 Yun2) "Naval Battle of 1894" (1962) and the role in 《兵临城下》 (Bing1 Lin2 Cheng2 Xia4) "City Under Siege"(1964). He's an actor in 辽宁艺术剧院 the Liaoning Art Theater since 1954, later was the chief.

The "Naval Battle of 1894" has received an international award in 1983.

Please read Chinese history of the Ming-Qing Dynasties, particularly late Qing regarding Chinese people's struggling with foreign forces, and a few patriotic figures during that time, especially 邓世昌 Deng4 Shi4 Chang1 and 林则徐 Lin2 Ze2 Xu2 etc.

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