Monday, December 24, 2007

南京大屠杀 In the Memorial of the Victims and Their Families in the Nanjing Massacre of 70 Years (12.1937 - 1.1938)

In the Memorial of the Victims and Their Families in the Nanjing Massacre of 70 Years (12.1937 - 1.1938)

300,000-500,000 were skilled by Japanese Butchers (1)

20,000-80,000 were raped (from ages 12 to 80) by Japanese Animals (2)

30,000,000 Chinese died nationwide by Japanese murderers in World War II


Links: (1) for the figure 500,000, please read this news
(2) for the figure 80,000, please read Iris Chang's "the Rape of Nanking" (1997)

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