Monday, December 17, 2007

谢芳 Xie Fang, the Well-known Chinese Actress on the Screen and the Stage

谢芳 Xie4 Fang1 (11.1.1935 - ), born in 湖北黄陂 Hubei of an intellectual family, but a native of 湖南益阳 Hunan, is one of the well-known Chinese actresses on the screen and the stage in last century. She's originally an opera actor of the Wuhan Opera and Dance Theater in Hubei province. It's the well-known director 崔嵬 Cui1 Wei2 found her for the film "Song of Youth" 青春之歌 (Qing1 Chun1 Zhi1 Ge1) in 1959 which was a hit success domestically and internationally. Since then she became a professional movie star. Her performance is graceful with poise, and uncommon bearing, by using a plain way to portray the character's mind and soul. Her pair of eyes, big and intelligent, called "can speak", in particular being adept in passing on amorous feelings, has left audiences the unforgettable impressions. She's gentle, quiet and reserved, simply dressed, rarely making up when off the silver screen, yet when comes to the artistic creation, she is scrupulous about every detail and in rigid pursuit.

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