Saturday, December 29, 2007

中国算盘 Suan4 Pan2

中国算盘 Suan4 Pan2 is a traditional tool for calculation in store, bank, accounting or anywhere involved counting in China invented long long time ago. It's made by variety of materials but most common by bamboo or wood or some combinations of substance. Some are even made by valuable stones or metals like jade, elephant's tooth, silver or gold.

You may buy some as fun toys for your children for learning Chinese and its way of ancient calculation - another method to further in learning Chinese meanwhile develop your children's brains for much clever. As adults, you may buy 算盘 as presents in holidays or in some other occasion to your loved ones or to those so so ones. You can also learn how to use it to calculate then your brain will function better since the modern machines make us much retarded in numbers.

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