Saturday, December 29, 2007

China's Blogger Population Reaches 47 Mln

China's Blogger Population Reaches 47 Mln

2007-12-29 16:11:16 Xinhua

A report on China's blog development has found that the blogger population has reached 47 million, more than half of whom are women. "One fourth of online surfers are bloggers," said the survey, based on a poll by China Internet Network Information Center (CINIC) of 1,862 netizens in late November. It added that registered blog spaces have exceeded 33 million since the advent of blogs in China five years ago. The survey also showed that 57 percent of Chinese bloggers are women, in contrast with the 55:45 gender ratio of China's 180 million netizens, reports China Women's News today. The newspaper reports that blogs, as a new medium to record personal lives, share feelings and socialize, are particularly attractive to women, who have fewer alternatives in the cyber world.

The lady in this picture is called Li3 Shi1 Shi1, a well-known female figure in ancient China. You may find out her all from your own researches.

(note by I or We: all are news and educational, non commercial use)

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